Journal of Operative Dentistry & Endodontics

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VOLUME 9 , ISSUE 1 ( January-June, 2024 ) > List of Articles


Preserving the Tooth from Extensive Calcification Under Magnification Using Endosonics: A Case Report

Nanthini Rajamanickam, P Ambalavanan, Remya Varghese, Minu Koshy

Keywords : Case report, Calcification, Magnification, Ultrasonics

Citation Information : Rajamanickam N, Ambalavanan P, Varghese R, Koshy M. Preserving the Tooth from Extensive Calcification Under Magnification Using Endosonics: A Case Report. J Oper Dent Endod 2024; 9 (1):24-27.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10047-0141

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 19-10-2024

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2024; The Author(s).


Calcification of root (calcific metamorphosis) is usually seen as a reaction of pulp to trauma. There are multiple factors that decide the degree of calcification. It may be seen partially or entirely in the canal. Treatment of calcified tooth is a challenge to dentists. The following case report describes access, negotiation, and successful rehabilitation of the maxillary left central incisor with diffuse mid-root calcification using ultrasonic tips under magnification in 11. A male patient of age 23 years reported to the Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics at Sri Ramakrishna Dental College and Hospital with a chief complaint of pain in the upper left front tooth for the past 1 month. The history of presenting illness revealed that the patient experienced pain in a previously root canal-treated tooth. On clinical examination, the maxillary left central incisor was discolored. Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images revealed oblique radio-opacity that was evident in the canal at the junction of the apical and middle third of the root with the widening of periodontal ligament space in the apical third of the root. The radiographic diagnosis was given as calcified root canal with apical periodontitis in 11. The final diagnosis was given as root canal-treated tooth with symptomatic apical periodontitis with calcified root canal in relation to 11. The treatment plan was root canal treatment and negotiation of the calcified barrier using magnification and ultrasonic tips in relation to 11.

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