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R EB, A AA, Piriyanga R, Priyadharshini S, Deepika G, Sherwood A. Patients Proclivity toward Dental College Hospital and Private Dental Operatories: A Questionnaire Study. J Oper Dent Endod 2024; 9 (1):1-6.
Aim: This study explores the reasons behind patients’ preferences for dental college hospitals or private clinics, aiming to optimize dental healthcare delivery and enhance patient satisfaction by understanding the motivations driving their choices and the implications for dental care provision.
Materials and methods: This cross-sectional self-developed questionnaire study was done in Madurai among 200 participants who previously had dental visits either in dental college hospital or private dental clinics. The questionnaire comprised a total of 34 questions categorized under four subheadings. The printed questionnaire was handed over to the participants and the participants were instructed to carefully read and truthfully respond to the questions. The collected data were subjected to statistical analysis by using IBM SPSS Software version 23. Chi-square test is used.
Results: Among the total respondents, 62% preferred dental college hospitals, and 38% opted for private dental clinics. Overall satisfaction was high (94.4%), with the majority (59.1%) from dental colleges. Dental colleges were noted for quality care, friendly dentist approach, sufficient time spent by the dentist, receiving clear treatment explanations and being involved in decision-making while private clinics were rated higher for cleanliness, earlier appointment dates and shorter waiting times.
Conclusion: Each dental setting has its own unique advantages and disadvantages. Understanding patient preferences and improving service delivery can help both dental college hospitals and private clinics better meet diverse patient needs.
Clinical significance: The study shows that patients prefer dental college hospitals for expertise and comprehensive care, and private clinics for personalized care and shorter wait times. Understanding these preferences helps optimize resource allocation, patient care, and scheduling. Policymakers can improve accessibility by developing infrastructure in underserved areas. Ongoing research and community engagement are crucial for refining service delivery to meet diverse patient needs.
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