Comparative Evaluation of Antimicrobial Efficacy of Three Different Endodontic Irrigants against Candida albicans: An In Vitro Study
Jambai S Sivakumar, Saravana Priyan Soundappan, Arun Karthika Pandian, Ravi Vaiyapuri, Anjaneya Shiva Prasad, Chittrarasu Mathimaraiselvan
Citation Information :
Sivakumar JS, Soundappan SP, Pandian AK, Vaiyapuri R, Prasad AS, Mathimaraiselvan C. Comparative Evaluation of Antimicrobial Efficacy of Three Different Endodontic Irrigants against Candida albicans: An In Vitro Study. J Oper Dent Endod 2021; 6 (1):45-50.
Aim: To compare and assess the antimicrobial effectiveness of three different endodontic irrigants against Candida albicans by measuring the colony-forming units using a light microscope.
Materials and methods: Sixty central incisors of human maxillary teeth extracted for periodontal concerns were collected, stored, and decoronated to a standardized working length of 14 mm. Followed by the preparation of the canal, the teeth have been contaminated with C. albicans (ATCC-10231) and cultured at 37°C for 21 days. The teeth were randomly divided into four experimental groups based on the different endodontic irrigants employed namely group I: distilled water (n = 15), group II: 5.25% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) (n = 15), group III: 5.25% calcium hypochlorite (CaOCl)2 (n = 15), group IV: mixture of tetracycline isomer, citric acid, and detergent (MTAD), and 5 mL of irrigant was used for 2 minutes. Microbiological samples were collected by introducing a sterile paper tip into the canal for 60 seconds and then shaking for 30 seconds on a vortex in a micro test tube containing 0.5 mL of sterile distilled water. Then, 0.1 mL aliquot of the microbial suspension was plated on a Sabouraud dextrose broth agar plate. Microbial growth was confirmed and a number of colony-forming units (CFUs/mL) of C. albicans were recorded and validated by Gram stain under a light microscope at 400× magnification.
Results: Significantly reduced number of microbiological colonies were observed on the experimental group III (CaOCl)2 followed by group II (NaOCl), and group IV (MTAD).
Conclusion: Calcium hypochlorite was significantly better in its antimicrobial efficacy against C. albicans for 21 days.
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