Citation Information :
Tekwani RA, Nanda Z, Rudagi K, Reddy KK, Deore R, Fotani S. Nonsurgical Management of an Extraoral Sinus Tract of Endodontic Origin: A Case Report. J Oper Dent Endod 2019; 4 (1):54-56.
A longstanding odontogenic infection often leads to the formation of suppuration, which is drained either intraorally or extraorally through a sinus tract. Being a rare condition, the extraoral sinus tract of odontogenic origin is usually misdiagnosed as a non-odontogenic infection by physicians. As it is rightly said that a correct diagnosis is three-fourths the remedy, diagnosing the odontogenic extraoral sinus tract is of prime importance for its effective management. So, this case report demonstrates the diagnosis and the non-surgical endodontic management of an extraoral sinus tract.
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