Citation Information :
Kavitha L, Narayan GS, Rajavalli SK, Ahmed VK, S, Baskara VA. A Rare Case of Bilaterally Transposed Maxillary Supernumerary Premolars and its Management. J Oper Dent Endod 2018; 3 (2):92-96.
Supernumerary teeth also known as hyperdontia is a developmental abnormality characterized by the presence of extra teeth in addition to teeth of the normal eruption series. Non-syndromic supernumerary teeth have a site predilection for the mandibular premolar region. Herein, we report a rare case of non-syndromic, bilaterally transposed maxillary supernumerary premolar in a 29-year-old male patient. Clinical considerations and various treatment options are also discussed.
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